Textilien und Wolle/Garne

Sind Sie auf der Suche nach Materialien für klassische Handarbeiten? Hier finden Sie ein umfangreiches Angebot an Produkten und Zubehör zum Stricken, Häkeln, Sticken, Weben etc. Beachten Sie auch unsere Auswahl an Artikeln zum Nähen wie Nähmaschinen und Zubehör sowie vorgefertigte Textilien zur Weiterverarbeitung oder dekorativen Gestaltung.

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Huge selection of textiles and yarn for classical handiwork

Are you on the lookout for textile and yarn for classical handiwork? Where you will sew, knit, crochet, embroider or use similar techniques, then you have come to the right place. At Creativ Company you will find a wide selection of textiles and yarn – and at good prices of course. So lean back and dive deep into the many wonderful products on offer.

Be creative with textiles and fabric

Do you love being creative with fabrics by sewing your own things? Then you will find all you need here at our web shop. I have a wide variety of different Meterware – like fabric for , Seide , Baumwollstoff , , and a ton of other fabric products. You will also find a collection of patterns for your sewing projects, regardless of whether it is for babies, kids, men, women or house and accessories.

On textiles we also have a row of differing smaller Stoff- und Lederflicken . Try for examples Patchwork-Stoff in beautiful motifs and colors, that can be used in a lot of creative projects – for example fabric decoupage on glass, wood, and cardboard as well small sewing projects.

If you are not into sewing your own things, but you still want to be creative with textiles, then do not fear. We have a big selection of Fertigartikel , that among other things is perfect for Textildekorationen . Here you will find T-Shirts , Kappen und Mützen , Taschen, Tragetaschen und Portemonnaies , Tücher, Schals, Schlüsselbänder etc.

Yarn for every yarn lover

Yarn is an extremely popular material in many different hobby projects – not least in classical handiwork, like knitting, crochet, and embroidery. And maybe you are on the lookout to buy yarn online, then you should do yourself a favor and look in our category with yarn. Here you will find a ton of different types of yarn at good prices – for examples Baumwollgarn , Sockenwolle , Wolle and Stoffgarn und Bändchengarn just to name a few.

Of course, we also have a lot of knitting needles, crochet needles and other accessories for yarn.

Though remember also that as well as having the textiles and yarn, also have a lot of inspiration and ideas for creative use of textiles and yarn. Just look at our ideas for traditional handiwork like Häkeln, Nähen, Stricken & co .

Felt for kids and adults

Felt is a fabric made from wool, animal hair or other fibers and is extremely popular among kids and adult alike, since it can be used for many funny and creative ideas – just take a look at some for Filz und Vlies . Felt also comes in many different forms, that give even more opportunities. Here with us you will find both Gemusterter Filz as well as Glatter Filz – both types can be purchased both as sheets and rolls. We also have many Filzfiguren , that can be made to decorate cards or that can be themselves decorated and hung up.

At Creativ Company we also have a lot of textiles and yarn for your hobby projects, and we will just recommend you go and discover the many subcategories here on the site. So you to will experience that we have a lot more yarn and textile craft that described here.

At last we would just like to wish you good luck and we hope that you have fun with your creative hobby projects that involve textiles and yarn.

Copyright © Creativ Company
Textilien und Wolle/Garne